品牌VI设计|金钟召小龙虾品牌VI设计|金钟召小龙虾 Brand VI Design|Jinzhongzhao Xiaolongxia 金钟召密宗小龙虾是一家以湘式小龙虾为招牌菜品的大排档品牌。本次设计将江湖文化和密宗理念相结合,以金色和黑色作为主要色调,延展设计印有密宗八卦图案的金钟,象征着金钟召密宗的传承和独特性。 Jin Zhong Shao Tantric Crawfish is a stall brand with Hunan-style crawfish as its signature dish. The design combines the culture of Jianghu and the concept of Tantric Buddhism, using gold and black as the main colors, and extending the design of the golden bell printed with Tantric bagua pattern, symbolizing the inheritance and uniqueness of Jin Zhong Zao Tantric Buddhism.