品牌全案设计&策划推广|客临百思德虾仁水饺品牌视觉全案设计|客临百思德虾仁水饺 Brand Visual Full Case Design|Clean best shrimp dumplings 客临百思德虾仁水饺(clean best)是一家现包现煮的手工水饺连锁品牌。自2017年创立以来,客临百思德以让人们可以放心吃的水饺为目标,坚持即点即吃,现包现煮的运作模式,精选海虾仁,琪金土猪肉,正大土鸡蛋等上好食材,为顾客提供真材实料、现包现煮的美味健康水饺。 Clean best is a chain brand of handmade dumplings that are ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook. Since its inception in 2017, the clean best to let people can rest assured to eat dumplings as the goal, adhere to the order to eat, freshly cooked mode of operation, selected sea shrimp, Kijin earth pork, Zhengda earth eggs and other good ingredients, to provide customers with real materials, freshly wrapped, freshly cooked, tasty and healthy dumplings.
面世之初,以优质食材为信任状,“让孩子放心吃的手工水饺“为语言钉,精准定位孩子及其家长,成功获得第一波优质客户群。视觉呈现,以品牌独特的“一字型”长条水饺为原型,勾勒出手工包水饺的亲切形 象,以强调“手工”水饺的特点。 At the beginning of the campaign, we took the quality ingredients as the trustworthy and "handmade dumplings that children can eat with confidence" as the linguistic pegs, precisely targeting children and their parents, and successfully obtaining the first wave of high-quality customer groups. The visual presentation is based on the brand's unique "one-line" dumplings, outlining the friendly image of hand-packed dumplings to emphasize the characteristics of "hand-made" dumplings. |