品牌视觉全案设计 | 中法环保研发中心品牌视觉全案设计 | 中法环保研发中心 Brand visual design | Sino-French Environmental Protection R&D Center 重庆中法环保研发中心有限公司成立于2013年,2019年增资扩股。结合重庆水务环境控股集团与苏伊士长期合作优势,充分整合双方资源,研发中心的发展定位为打造“国内环境产业数字化转型领导者”,为我国环境产业发展提供研发支撑,为中外双方在我国开展环境产业投资运营提供技术支持并提升核心竞争力。 1、 字母e斜放尖端向上,寓意打破常规,突破行业局限,奋勇向上
2、 水是生命之源,树叶则代表生命和环保,结合树叶和水滴的形状,将字母e变形,既突出了中法水务的属性,又预示着中法在水资源和环境保护上做出的卓越贡献和美好愿景。
3、 Logo以蓝色和绿色的字母e组成,蓝色象征科技和未来,绿色象征生命和环境保护,标志着中法一直以来,以科学的技术和坚持不懈的精神进行自主研发,为水务系统的发展和环境的保护不断努力,为水资源和环境变得越来越好贡献自己的力量 Chongqing Sino-French Environmental Protection R&D Center Co., Ltd. was established in 2013 and increased its capital and share in 2019. Combining the long-term cooperation advantages of Chongqing Water Environment Holdings Group and SUEZ, and fully integrating the resources of both parties, the development orientation of the R&D center is to build a "leader in digital transformation of domestic environmental industry", provide R&D support for the development of China's environmental industry, provide technical support for both Chinese and foreign parties to carry out environmental industry investment and operation in China, and enhance core competitiveness. The letter e is tilted with its tip pointing upwards, symbolizing breaking conventions, breaking through industry limitations, and striving to move forward courageously. Water is the source of life, and leaves represent life and environmental protection. Combining the shapes of leaves and water droplets, the letter e is transformed, highlighting the attributes of Sino-French Water and indicating the outstanding contributions and beautiful vision made by China and France in water resources and environmental protection. The logo consists of blue and green letters e. Blue symbolizes technology and the future, while green symbolizes life and environmental protection. It marks the fact that China and France have been independently developing science and technology with perseverance, and have been making continuous efforts for the development of water systems and environmental protection, contributing their own strength to the betterment of water resources and the environment. |