奥普提 | 探索模拟环境试验的边界奥普提 | 探索模拟环境试验的边界 OPUT | Exploring the boundaries of simulation environmental testing 奥普提成立于2005年,作为一家专注于为国家航空航天、军工装备、电子、电器、轨道交通、汽车制造等领域提供丰富的科学实验仪器设备的全球性生产厂商,努力为国家与人类安全、科技进步持续贡献自己的力量。 不同于其他科技企业,奥普提作为一个为人民安全和国家科技赋能的国际性科技型创新企业,其LOGO的主体应以中英文结合的方式进行呈现,字体笔画较厚重,体现奥普提军工领域的力量感和科技感。 我们希望LOGO在展示奥普提的行业属性和产品特征的基础上,还能承载奥普提的核心企业文化,在和奥普提不断的沟通中,我们被创始人反复强调的“国家利益高于一切”的社会责任和企业宗旨所打动,两者结合我们决定将视觉呈现的重心聚焦到字母T上。
将党旗中的锤头形状跟T进行结合,融入中国红的元素,体现奥普提以国家利益为先的企业宗旨;其次T字母的锤头部分,我们进行了延伸处理,打破U字母代表的usual,传递“打破常规,突破界限”的核心理念。最后通过T字母,集中表达奥普提的品牌内涵。 Aoputi was founded in 2005 as a global manufacturer focused on providing a wealth of scientific experimental instruments and equipment for the fields of national aerospace, military equipment, electronics, electrical appliances, rail transportation, automotive manufacturing, etc., and striving to continue to contribute to national and human security and technological progress. Unlike other technology companies, as an international technology-based innovation enterprise that empowers people's safety and national technology, the main body of its logo should be presented in a combination of Chinese and English, with thick strokes of the font to reflect the strength and technological sense of OPTI's military field. We hope that the LOGO can not only showcase the industry attributes and product features of OPTI, but also carry the core corporate culture of OPTI. In our continuous communication with OPTI, we were deeply moved by the founder's repeated emphasis on the social responsibility and corporate purpose of "national interests above all else". Combining the two, we decided to focus the visual presentation on the letter T. The hammer shape in the party flag is combined with the letter T, incorporating the element of Chinese red to reflect the company's aim of putting national interests first. Secondly, we extended the hammer part of the letter T, breaking the usual representation of the letter U and conveying the core concept of "breaking conventions and pushing boundaries". Finally, through the letter T, we express the brand connotation of OPTI in a concentrated way.